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Notes to my Muses


Living in a Dreamscape

As I sit down to write this blog, I still cannot believe the words I am about to type.

Ever since I was little, I wanted to be

a published author. I wrote the most horrid stories in crayon and color pencil, graduated to writing fanfiction online, and started slowly venturing forth into writing my own original stories. But then adulthood came knocking. I went to college, got my degree, followed it up with a master's degree, and dove head-first into research writing. Then I got a job, because a professional performer and tried to make my way in a world that didn't seem to have much space for me.

Five years after graduating with my MFA and almost 15 years since I first wrote a silly two page tale that my mom decided to hang on the fridge, the dream of a lifetime is coming true.

Prelude is now available for pre-order on nook and kindle through and Barnes & Noble with an official release date scheduled for September 1st. Paperback pre-sales will be opening as soon as my typesetting is finalized. Follow bookwitch_saenz on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for Advance Review Copy giveaways and signing events.

Cover Reveal & Pre-Order Info


Wren Nocturne, a long-dead witch, wakes up cold, alone, but very much alive on the floor of a haunted asylum, in a present where witches are naught but ash in the wind.

Bloodbound by her summoners, Wren rises, beholden to their dying wish for vengeance. But Wren’s past returns to haunt her as she crosses paths with her ex-lover, Kaito Miyazaki - the technomancer who betrayed her. Wren’s journey to reclaim love, family, and self begins with a Prelude.

Pre-orders for physical copies should be opening up within the next few weeks, and we have quite a few giveaways planned, so follow us on twitter, facebook, and instagram @bookwitch_saenz for a chance to win an Advanced Review Copy of Prelude.

Tarot Card Draw - Strength

It's Leo Season!! Happy Birthday to all of my fellow lions celebrating their b-days this month. I thought it would be appropriate to have this blog's card draw be the Strength card, Leo's associated tarot card.


The word itself means many things to different people.

Some people immediately think of physical strength: being able to lift heavy objects, run long distances, or hit something with enough force to win the prize teddy bear off the carnival stand. Others might think of mental strength, our ability to preserver, hold our heads high in difficult situations, and roar with all the ferocity of a lion.

Both the physical and the emotional are vital aspects of strength, and to truly respect this card, we must find a balance of both.

The Strength card is a reminder that you already have everything within you that you need to succeed. You are already strong in your own way, all you need is the determination to harness your power. Determination is your closest companion and the most vital ingredient to achieving your goals.

Believe in your personal strength and take your first steps towards accomplishing what was previously thought to be impossible.




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